Does It Makes Sense To Purchase A Gallon Of Truffle Oil?

Cooking can be a lifetime pursuit of honing skill and expertise and using new and unique ingredients is a great way to push that learning curve forward. With the innovation of truffle oil, even the humblest home cooks can bring the exciting taste of fresh truffles into their kitchen. And you can save money by buying a gallon of truffle oil, which can give you the chance to liven up a wide variety of dishes and let you experiment to keep finding new ways to use the magical aroma and flavor of truffles in your kitchen. Here are just a few suggestions of what you could do with truffle oil.


Enhance the taste of summer truffles: Winter truffles have a stronger, more pungent flavor and aroma than summer and Burgundy truffles, which are more widely available. Adding just a few drops of white or black truffle oil to fresh slices of summer truffles can reinforce their mild flavor with the more exquisite, bold taste of winter truffles.

Make a delicious vinaigrette: Just a few teaspoons of truffle oil combined with olive oil, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, pepper, and mustard make for a simple yet delightful vinaigrette that pairs well with salads containing mushrooms, hard cheeses, dried or cured meats, summer truffles, and more.


Jazzup Pizza: Pizzas of any kind, though especially white pizza, get an extra kick from a drizzle of truffle oil.

Enhance Eggs: Truffle oil and eggs are a fantastic combination, a match made in heaven. Whether simple scrambled eggs or a fancy omelette, the taste of truffles always makes a wonderful compliment. And while raw truffles are often paired with eggs in fine dining, truffle oil makes a much more accessible (and affordable) alternative.

Add a kick of flavor to veggies: Just a few drops of truffle oil are a great addition to many vegetables. Asparagus, cauliflower, sweet potato, yams, maize, and more all get a new dimension of flavor with the addition of a little truffle oil.

Liven up wild mushrooms: Truffles work wonders for the taste of their wild mushroom cousins. Just a few drops can enhance a wild mushroom risotto, soup, ragout, polenta, and much more. So, if you love the potent flavor of wild mushrooms, don’t miss out on raising their flavor even more with the addition of truffle oil!

Embolden Beef: Truffle oil makes a wonderful compliment to beef. Try combining olive oil, a bit of truffle oil, bitter greens like arugula, and a touch of shaved parmesan to bring a strong, unforgettable flavor to your next steak or beef dish.

Bring new depth to other meat dishes as well:Meats of all kinds, from red meat to poultry, fish to rabbit and many more, pair nicely with the earthy flavor of fresh truffles, and just as well with a quality truffle oil.

Use it as a topping for popcorn, potato chips, or French fries: Even the simplest snacks can be taken to a new level with truffle oil. Try drizzling just a few teaspoons over popcorn, chips, or French fries and toss with a little salt to turn the standard movie time snack into a gourmet treat.

If you’re ready to try truffle oil in your kitchen, then turn to Giorgio Truffle Shop at They offer certified organic truffle oil made with only premium quality Italian truffles.  For more information, or to purchase a gallon of truffle oil to begin livening up your dishes, contact them today! You can call at 800-284-9838 .